Experience @ Incredible Ayurveda

Vquer-Vaginal Tightening Gel

The Ayurveda text based gel formulation enriched with Mazufal, Gulab & Kikar . Eartham enhances your sensations naturally. It is developed for your most sensitive areas; it is skin friendly and does not cause any irritation. Eartham Vaginal Gel is natural with no silicone, no parabens or any other nasties. Its non-sticky formula eases dryness & soothes intimate discomfort.

Eartham Vquer Vaginal Gel contains kikar, gulab and majuphal that effectively smooth muscles, tones & restores sagged tissues with its super nutritive & tightening action and effectively relieves inflammatory conditions.

Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹825.00.

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  1. Sooths Muscles
  2. Adds to Natural Lubrication
  3. Restores Elasticity
  4. Paraben Free
  5. EDTA Free


  1. Gulab
  2. Kikar
  3. Majuphal

We believe in the Ancient way of Holistic Wellbeing based on Ayurveda Protocols. We curated a range of Functional Ayurvedic Personal Care & Wellness Products adding wisdom of Ayurvedic Texts to the recent developments in the field of Ayurveda.

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