Experience @ Incredible Ayurveda

MSkyn Under Eye Cream

The Ayurveda based formulation having anti oxidant & anti inflammatory effect on the sensitive under eye skin. The skin under the eyes is delicate and sensitive and therefore it needs more care than rest of the skin. Using the ordinary creams may not be suitable or effective for dark circles and first signs of ageing. M.Skyn’s Under eye Cream is specially created to be effective on fine lines, wrinkles, and puffy eyes.

Don’t let long working hours and Netflix binge take a toll on your eyes. Soothe your under-eye area and nourish it. This under-eye cream will provide umpteen nourishment, lightens dark circles and prevents first signs of ageing eith the potent herbs & bioactives like Mulethi, Almond, Olive Oil , Amrita ( Aloe) & Saunf ( Fennel).

Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹525.00.

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  1. Minimizes dark circles.
  2. Reduces Puffiness.
  3. Hydrates skin around the eyes.
  4. Suits All Skin Types
  5. Paraben Free
  6. EDTA Free


  1. Almond Oil
  2. Aloe
  3. Olive oil


  1. Take a pea-size of cream on fingertip.
  2. Massage gently into under your skin.

We believe in the Ancient way of Holistic Wellbeing based on Ayurveda Protocols. We curated a range of Functional Ayurvedic Personal Care & Wellness Products adding wisdom of Ayurvedic Texts to the recent developments in the field of Ayurveda.

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