Experience @ Incredible Ayurveda

MSkyn Anti-Pollutant Soap

The Ayurvedic M.Skyn anti pollution soap is meant to detox, purify and clean-up of skin. A potent formulation to protect your skin from pollution. This soap counters the harmful effects of pollution. It is a perfect blend of herbs and beautifying agents to provide a healthy, clean and clear skin.

Eartham Anti-Pollution Soap is a powerful Ayurvedic formula having combination of various herbs like Neem, Aloe, Wheat & Saunf that draws skin impurities and makes skin healthy. It protects skin against pollution and eliminates toxic substances. Your skin becomes deeply clean and problem-free. The M.Skyn Anti Pollution Soap has the amazing ability to control facial oil and draw away the impurities that build up in the pores. It is also effective in the removal of dead cells, thus providing clean and flawless skin.

Original price was: ₹225.00.Current price is: ₹190.00.

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  1. Removes dead cells
  2. Controls Face Oil
  3. Sulphate Free
  4. Paraben Free
  5. EDTA Free


  1. Charcoal Powder
  2. Shea Butter

We believe in the Ancient way of Holistic Wellbeing based on Ayurveda Protocols. We curated a range of Functional Ayurvedic Personal Care & Wellness Products adding wisdom of Ayurvedic Texts to the recent developments in the field of Ayurveda.

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